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You could do nothing. This place is pretty good for busy people. Visitors usually “on the go” can just kick back and do nowt. With no mobile signal, fresh air and space to wander what better than to recharge? Once you've had your fill of nothing, check out some of the other things we have on offer in the area.

An overview

We are not the Lake District or the Scottish Highlands; nothing can compare to these. Kielder has gradually made its own mark on the world. It offers a 'new' man-made environment nurtured from two of today's needs: a centrally managed strategic timber reserve twinned with a reliable water supply. Kielder's unique attraction is the combination of time, management and a changing social climate. This mix of 100 years of Forestry stewardship and 35 years of water control has ensured a well-ordered environment. Add to this a changing society, where mechanisation has reduced local manpower; the result is a remote less populated region. The right to roam and new tourism drives have ensured that Kielder, for the right people, has an environment that attracts.

This is is an area that bumbles at a sedate pace, it's the visitor who chooses to go fast and furious. It's back to basics here, the normal trappings of local facilities are few and far between. Do we need them or rely too much on them?

So, once you've settled on site. Here's a selection of things to do, be aware that some require prior planning from home.

Walking and cycling

With the vastness of the Forest and Water park area, you can walk and cycle for miles.

Walking Trails

There are many from the campsite, all signposted and mapped from the Tourist Information points. The maps on the boards at these points are designed to be photographed and used via devices rather than the printed format. Or, prior to your visit, you can download or print your maps.

List of walks....tbd.

Kielder Waterside

List of details.

Calvert Trust

List of details.

Further afield.....up early

Edinburgh Fringe. [Dates held] Contact info.

Foraging, bushcraft

further info. Etc etc.