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Are you close to Kielder Water?

We are 10 minutes walk, 5 minutes by bike to Kielder Water. The route is accessible by foot or bike. Use google maps to find our exact location.

Can I bring Kayaks, canoes or boats, or swim on Kielder Water?

There are stringent rules regarding using Kielder Water. The link shown on this page was current at time of publication. Please refer to Northumbrian Water direct for any further questions or confirmation. Rules for using Kielder Water.

Can I swim or paddle or use paddle boards in Kielder Water?

There are stringent rules regarding using Kielder Water. The link shown on this page was current at time of publication. Please refer to Northumbrian Water direct for any further questions or confirmation. Rules for using Kielder Water.

Where can I fish locally?

Kielder Water can be fished with a current rod licence, available online and a day permit purchased from either Tower Knowe or Kielder Water reception. Prices and conditions are available either online or by phoning: 01434 251000.

The online site for booking boats and permits is: Online booking for Kielder Waterside fishing and boat hire.

You can also fish our local burns. For further information go to: Kielder Burn fishing link.